Saturday, October 15, 2011

Othello and Li'l Me

There was really no need for caffeine today. The early arrival of a couple energetic granddaughters is all it took to get the day started.

It began with a game of Othello. I have come to realize that Elyse is exceptionally strategic for a seven year old. She almost always wins.

While Elyse and I played, Samantha wriggled and bounced on my lap and nibbled on cheese crackers. The black and white discs were hard for Sami to resist but Elyse and I managed to keep the game intact until we finished. . . a pleasant surprise.

Samantha (l) and Elyse (r) earlier this year 

One of their favorite toys is the Li'l Me Boutique. Manufactured in the 1970s, it is now kept in the attic space above the stairway—along with several other toys that belonged to their parents years ago. A personal favorite is the Richard Scarry Puzzletown Set  shown in an earlier post.

1 comment:

  1. Those are a couple of very pretty little girls! They are growing up so fast!

    Wasn't the Lil Me Boutique MINE? Or was it a hand-me-down? I LOVE that thing! I was actually just telling Rob about it the other day!!


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