Friday, October 7, 2011

Joyful Connections

Two special packages arrived in Wednesday's mail. I was quite excited. This is why:

One contained the Look Book for Saint Elyns, a line of clothing our daughter, Jessie, is in the process of launching; as well as some items from (capsule) Trade Show. She displayed her clothing line at the show last month in New York. There was also a lovely handwritten postcard inside the envelope. 

The other package was from author Sharon Creech. She sent my granddaughters (and I) a signed copy of her latest book, The Unfinished Angel. She also sent autographed cards for each of the girls. I look forward to sharing these wonderful gifts with Lydia, Elyse and Samantha. I love Ms. Creech's writing and have a collection of her books. 

How joyful to have such thoughtful mail in my mailbox.

Another source of joy this week is the metal tin that sits in the back room next to the phone. It is packed plumb full of letters, notes and greeting cards sent by family and friends over the years. Although I'm certain there were many more, it is a significant collection.

Heartfelt handwritten communications are rare and should to be cherished. A recent article, Don't Write Anymore?, expresses similar sentiments. I couldn't always decipher the words my parents and grandparents wrote but I could clearly envision them sitting there writing them. 

I'd like to hear your thoughts about handwritten communications versus typed.

Note: I save my personal email messages and letters and organize them in files on my computer. Words are important—no matter how one chooses to communicate them.


  1. Aw, this is nice! I like how you arranged everything for the photos. How exciting to get not one, but two special deliveries in one day :)

    Remember a few years ago when I requested hand-written letters from you? Email took over for a bit there, and I missed your purdy handwriting :) It's very heartwarming :)

  2. I especially love handwritten notes, and yes, there are too few of these now. Also: re: your agent question: Yes, I have (and have always had) an agent. An agent can offer valuable expertise and can save you time and hassle.

  3. People need to write more handwritten notes... myself included. I, too, treasure (and save) handwritten cards and letters from friends and family.

  4. AND congrats to your daughter Jessie. How exciting!

  5. How nice. . . all of the comments. I love hearing from each and everyone of you.

    So you got a bit of a break, Jessie. I was surprised to see all of your "reflections." Yes, I am somewhat premature with the winter poems but I didn't have any for Fall. My inspiration seems to come around the holidays. A personal touch during a very commercial time of year.


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