Thursday, July 23, 2009

What Flavor Is Pink ?


I snapped this photo outside my mom's house
this past weekend. She is so eager to show off her flowers when I visit. There were a few new additions to the perennial garden since my last visit.

The question of the day is, "How many of you have sold things on eBay and how satisfied were you with the results? I spent hours shooting photos and writing descriptions for the few items I want to list. I'm selective about what I put on the site and research most items. The problem is pricing. I'd like to make a few dollars for my effort but feel there is a lot of competition, especially on eBay. Considering the cost of shipping, I'm never quite sure how to price things. If I price them too high, they won't sell, but if I give things away I could end up spending money. I guess eBay is more of a game than a money making venture. I welcome any thoughts or suggestions about how to play the game.

I'm a Dr. Phil watcher and amused by all of the Phil-isms. Here's one he used today: "You gotta rise above your raisin." So.. what do you think it means?

Have you tried Sudoku yet? If you aren't sure about how to play or just want to see a list of rules, check out Wikipedia.

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