Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Einstein Say

"If a cluttered desk signs a cluttered mind, of what, then, is an empty desk a sign?"       
                         —Albert Einstein

I wonder if that also applies to drawers? In a previous post I shared a photo of one of my neglected bathroom drawers. Its actual contents are shown here in this photo. I'm amazed that all of that stuff fit into that small 3" deep space. Based on Einstein's analogy, it's no wonder my brain feels overwhelmed much of the time.

What do you think?  Is there a correlation between clutter and the mind?

Do you have any questions or thoughts about the contents of my drawer?


  1. There is definitely a correlation between clutter and the mind. I CANNOT stand to work in a cluttered space. Makes me crazy!

  2. I always knew you had a ton of stuff in that drawer! What is all that? Any extra eye cream you want to get rid of?

  3. I'm with you, Julie. Clutter also makes me crazy and zaps my creativity.

  4. Stephanie, you won't find eye cream in this collection of moisturizers and personal care items. I've none to spare at this age.

  5. If you had a bigger drawer, it would look less cluttered. Hmmmm.....


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