Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Dash o' Dash

Gluten lovers need not enter. . . 

You may or may not have problems with gluten. If not, chances are you will not be interested in this post. That may also be the case if you prefer meat with every meal.

I discovered last year that gluten is definitely not my friend, although I had my suspicions for some time. As far as consuming meat, it has never been a necessity in my mind. I prefer beans or other protein-laden foods. I believe that is why I've been able to switch to a mediterranean style diet without much problem. I do enjoy an occasional filet mignon but when I consume meat it is usually in the form of fish or poultry.

On that note, I'd like to share a favorite recipe. It is a slimmed down version of guacamole, which, as you know, is mostly avocado (love 'em!). Avocado is a healthy fat but a serving is around 1/4 of a cup. This recipe has more tomato and a few other ingredients. Mind you, it takes a bit of adjustment to get used this version if you're used to eating the standard guacamole. This recipe is similar to fresh salsa. 

When I realized that I could no longer eat wheat breads, etc., I started looking for other products to use. They needed to be whole grain and gluten-free. That's when I started using teff wraps in place of whole wheat tortillas. They aren't as satisfying in all circumstances but they work great for this recipe.

(1 serving)

2 small tomatoes, chopped
1 teaspoon chopped cilantro leaves
1/2 cup finely chopped red pepper
1/4 cup chopped Hass avocado
1 teaspoon agave nectar
Dash (or to taste) Mrs. Dash Garlic
and Herb Seasoning Blend 

Triangle chips: Cut Ivory Teff Wraps (in natural/organic department-not refrigerated) into triangles and toast on cookie sheet in preheated 350 degree oven for approximately 10 minutes, depending on oven. I toast mine until they are medium to dark brown since I like them crunchy. (You'll want to watch them close once they begin to brown.) Cool slightly and serve with salsa.

There is no marinating, etc. with this recipe. Mix it up and eat away. It is a complete meal if you add a reduced-fat mozzarella string cheese.All of the meals that I make for myself can be made in 15 minutes or less, but they have to be healthy. This has been a lifestyle change that's taken place in the past year. I so needed it.


  1. If only I was a cook!

    One of our grandsons has a problem with gluten. He was sick all the time until we finally figured it out. Now, he's good if he stays away from gluten.

    Just saw a new study from Harvard: Any amount of red meat is deadly. People who eat minimal amounts of red meat are cutting their life span by 13%!!!

    Stay away from the filet mignon!

    I'm not a vegetarian (though Lois is) but I haven't eaten red meat in years. I may live to be 76! Maybe.

  2. Lowell: I'd gladly pass the job to you. I've done enough cooking. There are so many other things that I prefer to do. Still cook for the hubby though. . .


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