Wednesday, February 22, 2012

NY Via iPhone

These iPhone photos are from a recent visit to NY.
I was there with two of my daughters.

Lorax guards the deli where we ate lunch earlier in the day. They have great cheesecake.

Beautiful weather—and buildings.
These are near the hotel we stayed in.

Times Square and the Broadway play Sister Act. Both were great fun.

High rise buildings. . .  lessons in perspective. My eyes were
forever diverted upward. It also could have been because the sky
was such a beautiful blue. We had great weather while there.


  1. A wonderful series and thanks for sharing them. The iPhone4 has a super camera and you've provided the proof. Your composition skills are excellent and each of these is charming - very sharp with brilliant color.

    Makes me jealous. We were in NYC in 2003 when Lois Anne ran the NYC Marathon. Unfortunately, we weren't able to stick around for very long after the race. If you go to L & L Photography ( and then click on Galleries and then on the NYC gallery you can see our photos from that event.

    I'm sure you had a wonderful time with your daughters. We have several things in common. Photography and writing. And I play (or used to play) the guitar, piano and was a songwriter. In fact, in 2008, my song "Too Good To Be Blue" made #1 on the European Independent radio charts and #10 on the Country Top 50, right up there with Garth Brooks, Reba McIntyre, etc.

  2. Looks and sounds like a great visit - I'll be there next month for a few days - hope I see blue sky, too . . .


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