Friday, July 15, 2011

"Here Kitty Kitty"

Coaxing the cat downstairs to the main level after it has been occupied by an energetic canine isn't an easy task. Since Schnopsie (the dachshund from earlier posts) made an appearance a few weeks ago, Lu has preferred to be upstairs. Schnops has been the one who has been soaking up sun every morning by the patio door and hanging out with the family in the evening—benefits that once belonged to Lu. Now that he is gone, I need to find a way to get Madame comfortable with being on the first floor again.


  1. I'm sure the doggie smells permeating the downstairs are very pungent to her. Once Schnops' scent fades, I think the Queen will
    once again honor you with her presence. Of
    course, there's always catnip!

  2. Of course the catnip would have to be served on a silver platter.

  3. How about a can of tuna... served on a silver platter, of course.

  4. Once there was a dog in my kingdom(he was a funny looking thing long body and these long ears)but now I hear he has left my kingdom and I can once again reign my kingdom(not to mention my freedom)Here I come my master Karen S-L-O-W-L-Y !

  5. Yes, Barb, Lu is royalty at our house. At least she thinks so anyway.


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