Friday, January 21, 2011

Life in Shorts: Seldom What You Expect

Life in Shorts?
Not exactly.
Life in Shorts is about real life occurrences that, as trivial as they may be, make you feel as if you just stepped into the "twilight zone." I'm fairly certain that I'm not the only one that has had such experiences. In fact, this morning on TV I saw Connie Chung telling a story about being in a Las Vegas hotel several years ago and falling into a bunch of potted plants, uprooting the flowers and spilling the dirt. She had been attempting to touch the flowers hanging over head to see if they were real. She got up and brushed herself off, and then looked around to see if the whole thing had been caught on security cameras. After making an attempt to get things back in order, she simply just "ran away."

Although none of these compare to Connie's Las Vegas fiasco, here are a few "Shorts" that have happened to me recently. I hope they warrant a giggle or two.

  • I awoke one morning to find that the strange ripping sound I heard over and over in my dreams was actually my bed sheet being slit open by my big toe. I'm not sure how the whole thing started but whenever I stretched, my dreams got more vocal. ( had nothing to do with the length of my toenail.) 

  • My ninety pound lab jumped on me one morning, nearly knocking me over, and managed to plant a slobbery kiss directly on my left eyeball. So much for the protective benefits of eyeglasses; and dog training.

  • While having lunch in a well-known Mexican fast-food restaurant, my drink slid off my tray, landing upside down in front of a group of five or six young men (Ironically, I had just been thinking about what a nice looking bunch they were.). I expected to hear a snicker or two but they never came. Next time I'll pay more attention to what I'm doing rather than other people.  : )

Do you have a Life in Shorts experience you'd like to share? I'd love to hear from you.


  1. You were successful! I giggled quite a bit. I will think of some to share.

    And thank you for your blogs. I really enjoy reading them!

  2. That makes it worthwhile then, Jennifer. I'm glad you are enjoying Not Quite Average.


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