Monday, September 26, 2011

Oil and Water... and Lu

"Rotten Banana" was the intended title, and subject, for this blog post. But, as you see, there are no rotten bananas here. Just a very curious cat named Lu and a painting of faceless dolls.

I created this watercolor years ago while earning my commercial art degree. I'd used oils prior to that but, as I discovered, there are few similarities between the two. Each have unique qualities that I love. 

This painting is not exceptional by any means but I feel that it has its purpose—other than being a required assignment in school. Like they say, "there's a story in there somewhere." Maybe I can tie the painting to the Lock and Key bit from a couple months ago.


  1. I thought you were going to tell us that your cat painted that picture! I know she's smart
    and all but....

  2. To Anonymous: Now THAT would be something to write about.

  3. Cute. I remember this kicking around. You should put up the one of the banana :)


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