Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Gotta love Thursdays!

Elyse in the corn.                    Photo by Eric Schwartz
Reflections by Elyse

My seven year old granddaughter said that her favorite day of the week is Thursday and that she likes it to rain and storm on that day.

When I asked her why Thursday was her favorite day, she said she didn't know why. And when asked why she likes it to storm on Thursdays, she said she likes to watch the sprinkles and then see the rain get harder and then go outside and open her mouth and catch the raindrops in her mouth.

Elyse then likes to go in the house and have a "peaceful day." She said she likes things peaceful.

In regards to parenting: I once heard someone say, "We aren't raising children, we're raising adults." That's an interesting perspective, certainly one worthy of discussion. But, for the moment, I've better things to do—like go outside and catch a few raindrops with my tongue.


  1. That was a wonderful day at your place, Karen. The company, the meal, the wagon and 4-wheeler rides - everything was just ideal. Great little piece about Elyse.

  2. Thanks for the comments Eric, Jessie and Sharon C. To your comment, Sharon: Exactly! Love Elyse's take on Thursdays.

  3. I can't wait for Thursday now after reading how Elyse takes on the day. She is so cute that girl!


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