Friday, September 30, 2011

Imperfect Angel

I realize that Fall has just started but I'd like to share this winter poem. I'm sure that you can relate if you've ever lived or visited "snow country." Enjoy!

Imperfect Angel
In the Snow

From my upstairs bedroom window
on this moonlit December night
I look down upon the snow
at a quite unusual sight.

Carefully sculpted snow angels
line the hillside down below.
There's one after another—
quite the perfect little row.

But something is different
about that last one over there.
It isn't quite as perfect
as far as snow angels fair.

I ponder the possibilities
and say, "How can this be?
Aren't angels always flawless?"
Most people would agree.

Their lines are quite elegant,
 not a wing is out of place,
each gown's the right slant
and in very good taste.

That one is unlike the others.
It's messy. . . to say the least.
But for children's sake, I'd rather,
this imperfect angel bequeath.

Perfect's not what it's made to be
 with expectations above and beyond.
So, sweet children, I hope you'll see
it's important to just have fun.

As I gaze out the frosty window pane
at the wintery display cast in blue,
I glimpse something along the lane,
a dog slowly passing through.

It wanders upon the row of angels,
stops, sniffs. . . and wouldn't you know?
It was man's best friend who made that 
"Imperfect Angel" in the snow.

© 2010 K.S.D.


  1. Ho! It reminded me of The Unfinished Angel and of the dog + child pics I've posted the last 2 days. Enjoyed your story speculation (of girl and dog): you should write that story, mm?

  2. Hi, Julie. I'm glad you enjoyed the spittin' grasshopper visual. Just to warn you... working at home has its consequences. I never used to be this strange. :-)

  3. So nice to see your inspiring words, Sharon. My Creech "collection" is nearly complete and The Unfinished Angel will be my next read. I believe you indicated that there were similarities between the character Zola and my granddaughter, Samantha. I look forward to reading it.


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