Thursday, November 8, 2012

"But I Wanted A Green Frog"

I've got a a bit of writer's block going on.

It has lasted for several weeks now.

When I don't write I tend to get grumpy

and since grumpiness gathers 

steam over time I thought

I should write:

As I walked past a checkout lane at a department store yesterday, I overheard the cashier speaking to a young child who was sitting in a stroller next to the counter. She was admiring him and the red fire engine that he held tightly in his hand. After the little boy's mother finished checking out, she began to gather her things. Her cheerful demeanor and the way she communicated with her son warmed my heart. As she lifted her angel from the stroller, she discovered a stuffed frog tucked beside him in the seat. "When did you get this?" his mother said with a smile. You could tell that she was genuinely surprised by the discovery. In the sweetest of sweet voices, her son simply said, "But I wanted a green frog." 


  1. Time to write. A nice story. Every little boy should have a green frog. A fresh one from the pond would be best, but if you have to settle for one from the be it!

  2. I don't have writer's block, just finding a name for my latest book and redoing my website block.

  3. I could vision the whole seen from what you wrote! Great story

  4. I received a nice comment from you today which would indicate that your writer's block has lifted - at least a little bit. Hope that all is well with you.

    We're in the middle and it's tough but we're making it - a day at a time.


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