Thursday, December 1, 2011

Fruitier, Chewier, Nuttier

Is it normal to be this excited about winning something? In this case, a box of KIND bars.

I was one of five winners chosen earlier this week when KIND asked people to write a short poem about kindness and then post it on KIND's Facebook page. Apparently I'm not the only one who is inspired by the thought of winning something—anything! because there were quite a few entries.

Before you go thinking I'm another Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, I should share my little poem about kindness with you:

                                                     Maybe if we took more time
                                                     to give to others—to just be kind,
                                                     this world would be a better place;
                                                     a fruitier, chewier, nuttier, healthier 
                                                     —but funnier, KINDer space.

A final thought: If you haven't tried these bars, I recommend you do. They are a real treat. Earlier this year I discovered that I could no longer eat foods that contained gluten. KIND bars made the transition to GF foods much easier. The company culture is also quite inspirational.

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