Tuesday, October 18, 2011


Movement without motion.

This photo grabbed me by the collar and placed me on that dark tree-shrouded path leading to the unknown. A shadowy vortex of motion generated by a common perspective.

Will I enter into a place of peace and tranquility or one that inflicts immense pain?

I've heard it said that "light is love."

But what if they're wrong?

What would you do?

Notation: This post is not in reference to religion. It's about "sparking" creativity—my own.


  1. You should elaborate on the above post. I'm curious where you're coming from with it. It seems to be a fantasy place you are referring to, but because you don't mention anything specifically, aside from the trees, I want to know more about what it means :)

  2. There is no verisimilitude here. It's pure fantasy, meant to be open-ended and mysterious. It's whatever you want it to be.

  3. Karen I hope you never stop writing,I really enjoy your blogs.I agree with Jesse you are gifted


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